Monday, September 28, 2009

Talking Points #2

Aria - Rodriguez.

1. "At last, seven years old, I came to believe what had been technically true since my birth: I was an American citizen."

- When I read this quote by the young man I really didn't know what to think at first. I guess it's because I never had this problem and I grew up speaking one language only. It took him seven years for reality to actually set in on him, and for him to realize, wow I really am an american citizen. It must be tough changing such a big part of your life like that, and I really felt bad when I read that line, because I never had to worry about anything like that.

2. "The family's quiet was partly due to the fact that, as we children learned more and more English, we shared fewer and fewer words with our parents."

- So relating by to my first quote on how I thought it was tough just changing such a big part of your life, and now this happens. First you change your main language and now it leads to you and your parents not interacting as much, which I'm sure would make it much harder on any child. That's two things right there that the english language had such a big impact on this family. They had it tough, because I couldn't imagine not speaking to my parents much, they're family you need them in your life and these kids basically lost the privilege of speaking to them because of the language change.

3. "They would have been too painful reminders of how much had changed in my life."

- In this quote he is referring to what he used to call his parents, and now how he feels about it. His life changed drastically just to fit into the American society. He knows it and by this quote obviously doesn't like to think about it because it is so painful he says. If you can't even call your parents what you have been calling them your life while growing up, you know things are changing and stuff is very different now as compared to before.

- I'll refer to what i wrote about McIntosh again right here, when I stated we are all afraid of change. Well this kid right here I'm sure was just as afraid of change as any of us are. He doesn't have the choice to stop it though, and to fit in American society he does what he must. Gives up communication to his family and his whole lifestyle at home is now different.

- We are all afraid of change, but for most of us there comes a point in our life where we are all going to have to sacrifice something and make changes. This kid had to do it at a young age, and this is a drastic change and completely flipped his life upside down. Although, he got through it and showed it's possible. A kid this young going through these tough times and doesn't give up, and that is how the rest of the society should be.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your quote number one. I had a hard time relating to Rodriguez because I never had to give up something so important as a child. I think reading this article was so sad because it was based on the story of a child. I think people are more willing to accept that adults have to sacrifice things in their lives for achievement, but it is harder to see children have to suffer such a loss.
