Monday, October 5, 2009

Carlson- Gayness, Multicultural Educations, and Community

1. "It is now estimated that up to one-third of all adolescent suicide victims are gay, approximately one-quarter of all homeless youth in the United States are gay, and dropout and drug abuse rates among gay youth are likewise high."

Really one-third of adolescent suicide victims are gay? That's terrible. I really don't even know how to respond to that and that's why I picked this quote. It is absolutely rediculous. I can only imagine what gay people go through to have this kind of outcome. No matter what we read, or what we hear we will never really know how tough it is on them. People have their own preference, and if im not mistaken aren't we supposed to be "The Land of the Free?" Just thought that's what I was always taught growing up.

2. "To the extent that gayness is recognized in the curriculum, it is likely to be in the health curriculum, where it is associated with disease."

This is very true because growing up a lot of people don't really learn about homosexuality as hard as that is to believe. It is a huge part of our society and everybody should be entitled to do what they want for the most part. Then you have kids just learning about it when they get somewhat older from their friends or articles they have read. They might misinterpret it as a disease or also somebody could tell them it is a disease. Which to be honest I don't know the whole backround, I learned about it when I was younger, and I completely accept homosexuality, because everyone has their rights. Rumors get started and people say mean or stupid stuff, and that's why a lot of people don't really understand the truth behind homosexuality.

3. "Nothing seems more certain than that homosexuality is contagious."

The sad thing about this quote is that people actually think like this and believe this. I mean by all means people are entitled to their own opinion, but stuff like this is just rediculous. Nobody should ever have an opinion like this because it is completely false. I'm sure many people know at least one person who is a homosexual. I will speak from my own experience which is that I have been to school with some and even a family member is. I laugh that they say it's contagious because that is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. We are all the same except they have different preferences, and it happens in life more than just sexual preference. Although nobody seems to care about other stuff, and only this because it isn't the "societies norm" so to speak.

I just didn't really like reading this article to be completely honest. I mean yes it was a good article and it stated some really good points. Although some of the things I read and never realized just kind of shocked me. People really act certain ways or think certain things about people who are homosexual. It made me kind of mad just because people are not open minded at and can really be so ignorant to the fact that everyone isn't the same.

Which then leads me to my next point, which is kind of a question I was wondering. When do you think it is right to bring up homosexuality into a classroom discussion? How early do you think kids should know about it? I was thinking this would be good just so they are open to it, and at a younger age know what it is. Whether their parents want to talk about it or not it should be mandatory in school. This is so they don't just hear rumors and go with what people say and turn out to be like a bunch of other people and not be open-minded.

1 comment:

  1. i also get frustrated with closed minded people on this topic. people need to realize that just like people of different races and backgrounds, that people who are gay are people too and should not be judged on their sexual orientation
